
Objectives help with camping (Destiny)

by Durandal, Thursday, April 30, 2015, 15:04 (3594 days ago) @ Funkmon

I did play the COD elimination modes back in the day, and the objectives are what make camping untenable, not motion trackers.

In pure deathmatch, the campers would hole up in spots that provided maximum advantage and wait, knowing enough noobs would come that their team would build up a 2-4 person advantage.
With objectives you could of course pop smoke on the bomb and run in, set it and leave some C4 and sometimes pull off a single person win. It at least forced campers to be in areas with overwatch on the objective.

Bungie is smart to include that.

I personally prefer objective game types, mostly because Clash has too many cheap "I spawned behind you" kills and players are more mindful of spawn control in control.

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