
Some thoughts on Trials. (Destiny)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Thursday, April 30, 2015, 13:12 (3594 days ago) @ iconicbanana

-Getting tired of deathmatch-only modes of competitive play.

That was all I needed to see during the reveal to know this mode will go mostly untouched with me. (I'll of course try it out and help my friends when they want to play)

I DO LIKE ultra-competitive modes, when they are objective based. I know the MLG's and SchoolyD's of the world don't feel that way, but there is just something so much more satisfying about a high stakes CTF game than a game of Slayer to me. Fighting off the other team AND tying to hold an objective, THAT is a challenge.

One caveat though- I do like elimination style game play when it comes to slayer, but that's predicated on Radar being off. It makes it more tense. Does not having radar lead to cheap kills at times? Yeah, I guess. But it's also a GREAT equalizer for skill levels. Those underdog moments when a less skilled player walks up behind a high skilled player for a melee to the back, resulting in an insta kill? Fucking, glorious, and humbling.

Destiny still has yet to be what I want when it comes to pvp. PvE is getting better though, so that's good.

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