
by Cold, Monday, April 01, 2013, 10:29 (4351 days ago) @ Mr Danger

This post will be about more of what I'm hoping for and less of what is currently speculated...

That said, I really like to think of Destiny (at this point) as a beautiful lovechild that was conceived during a wild night of partying between Halo, Borderlands and -insert generic MMORPG here-.

Hopefully, Destiny (why do I think of a stripper every time I type that?), will inherit the best characteristics of its party-going parents.

I would like to see:
the FPS perfection of Halo,
the story immersion, expansive loot and comradery of Borderlands,
and from the MMORPG genes I want ...instances. That's right, instances...

I'll reference vanilla WoW here, because that's the MMO that I am most familiar with. The best experiences of my time spent playing WoW were in instances. Coming together with a group of friends to take down foes that we had no hope of killing on our own (foes that added to the universe, not break it). I am not talking about raids. I don't want MC, Ony, BWL...40 man, week-long raids in Destiny. I want equivalents of 5-man BRD, Strath, Scholo, LBRS, UBRS ..doable in 30min to an hour. I want instances that progressively get harder. If your group cannot beat the first boss, then they cannot attempt the final boss. I also think these instances should have various difficulty settings with corresponding loot to accommodate the casual/inexperienced players and also the hardcore/veteran gamers (much like we've seen in the latest MMOs).

I know some people cringe at the word "instance", but it is a welcome addition in my mind, if handled correctly.

...Back to work :(.

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