
Maybe incorperated in Theater?

by breitzen @, Kansas, Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 10:32 (4078 days ago) @ JDQuackers

it looks like you and another person missed his point.

Is that me you are referring to? Are you just assuming that because GV mentioned I brought it up means I'm on a particular side?
I'm not on anyone's side because nobody is on my side. ;)

I think if you read my post it was more of trying to find an equivalent than stating firefight was an equivalent.

Yes, we had the ability to change enemy settings in Firefight because that was the entire purpose of the mode. That wasn't a game-wide setting that allowed you to affect the enemy encounters in every part of the game; meanwhile the request about the audio controls is

This got me thinking, maybe sliders would be a good idea is theater mode. I don't think that it would be ideal for campaign, but depending on how theater is crafted, might there be a place for it there?

If you want it to be included, why don't you go get a job at Bungie and put it in the game?

Weird to be defending GV here, but, that's not the point. I know your post is just a rant, but what the conversation is about is trying to find a place (if there is one) for audio adjustments. We don't have to work for bungie to want/comment on it. The fact that bungie reads these forums means that it's a place for us to voice our opinions, wants, ect. They certainly don't have to listen, but they might.

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