A way Destiny excites me

by Wakko45, Saturday, March 16, 2013, 11:03 (4089 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I have really high hopes for the story/universe development for Destiny. Being more of an open-sandbox game that I think it will be, it will have infinitely more ways to give us background on the universe. I think that terminals/data pads could still be a fun way to give us information, especially if they expand upon it. For example, say you pick up a data pad that is in a crashed ship's wreckage (as stated above) and then maybe that initiates a secondary objective to your mission (like a side mission). This would compel the players to follow this sub-plot instead of relying on them to go to some extra menu and read the data pad like how they do in more linear games.

Some other great ideas to further the universe's story would be something like big community missions (I guess similar to raids). Pretty much have a big mission on Mars that is extremely difficult to complete and until it's complete the entire community is unable to progress the universe's story. This would require a large community effort to complete the mission for the good of everyone. This would bring the community together as a whole to work together and it would make it feel like we are all actually together in the war vs. the aliens.

For example, maybe the Cabal have a few giant forts across a stretch of Mars and we need to defeat them simultaneously in order to get past them into some ancient ruins that will tell us more of the main story.
Of course whether this could work would depend a lot on how Bungie implements different areas and people playing them. If everyone went to Fort X would they all be at the same instance of Fort X or would they all be at different instances of it?

Anyways, I love the fact that the open-sandboxness to this game has the potential for awesome.

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