
A way Destiny excites me
But why exclude audio? The user is left in control of virtually every other technical detail. As I said, we have the ability to adjust brightness and contrast, which are the visual equivalent to adjusting audio levels. We can change the controller layout (I'd argue that's aesthetic. Pulling a trigger to fire a gun is waaaaay different than pressing A; that's part of why the Metroid Prime series feels different from Halo). Us PC users can change the graphical fidelity. Hell, we can even introduce content the developer never intended; I can play the original Deus Ex with extremely high-definition textures that were made by users years after the game's release. I can play missions in Half Life that have nothing to do with Gordon or the Combine. That's getting left-field, though. I can't figure out why this is a point of contention. It's no different than any other control we've had since forever. Hell, the original Doom let us independently adjust the volume of the music and the action.
This is like arguing over what kind of lighting is proper for viewing art. The curator's got one idea, the rich guy who sets it in his living room has another, and the fellow who's just looking at Google images can see all of them.
I do apologize, though, I saw the David post and did not look to the author, and so misattributed it.
Complete thread:
- A way Destiny excites me -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-08, 17:22
- Couldn't agree more. - Xenos, 2013-03-08, 17:32
- This, indeed.
- Leisandir, 2013-03-08, 17:36
- Amen to that! - Mr Daax, 2013-03-08, 17:41
- A way Destiny excites me - Ragashingo, 2013-03-08, 17:47
- You make me happy, Cody.
- Claude Errera, 2013-03-08, 18:00
- A way Destiny excites me - Hedge, 2013-03-08, 18:27
- Watch out Cody, invisible wall incoming! - Avateur, 2013-03-08, 18:41
- A way Destiny excites me - Kermit, 2013-03-08, 20:33
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-09, 02:45
- A way Destiny excites me -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-09, 04:18
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-10, 20:30
- A way Destiny excites me -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-11, 00:32
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-13, 04:27
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-13, 05:04
- A way Destiny excites me - Xenos, 2013-03-13, 08:41
- My feelings exactly.
- Kermit, 2013-03-13, 05:09
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-13, 14:05
- A way Destiny excites me - Kermit, 2013-03-13, 14:10
- A way Destiny excites me -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-13, 17:22
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 06:23
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 08:13
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 08:18
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 09:31
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 11:28
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 13:51
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 16:05
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 17:42
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 18:15
- Well reasoned, sir.
- Leisandir, 2013-03-14, 18:38
- Well reasoned, sir.
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 18:15
- A way Destiny excites me - General Vagueness, 2013-03-16, 19:14
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 17:42
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 16:05
- A way Destiny excites me -
General Vagueness,
2013-03-16, 18:31
- A way Destiny excites me -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-17, 06:53
- A way Destiny excites me -
General Vagueness,
2013-03-17, 23:42
- A way Destiny excites me -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-18, 06:02
- Or, Jackal Snipers EVERYWHERE! :)
- Ragashingo, 2013-03-18, 06:44
- A way Destiny excites me - RC, 2013-03-18, 07:21
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-18, 10:04
- A way Destiny excites me - Xenos, 2013-03-18, 10:20
- A way Destiny excites me -
General Vagueness,
2013-03-18, 22:08
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-19, 07:18
- Maybe incorperated in Theater? -
2013-03-19, 10:32
- Maybe incorperated in Theater? -
2013-03-19, 12:32
- Maybe incorperated in Theater? - breitzen, 2013-03-19, 13:17
- Maybe incorperated in Theater? -
2013-03-20, 09:35
- Maybe incorperated in Theater? - Kermit, 2013-03-20, 12:27
- Maybe incorperated in Theater? - General Vagueness, 2013-03-20, 17:28
- Maybe incorperated in Theater? -
2013-03-19, 12:32
- A way Destiny excites me - General Vagueness, 2013-03-20, 17:22
- Maybe incorperated in Theater? -
2013-03-19, 10:32
- A way Destiny excites me - General Vagueness, 2013-03-22, 15:39
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-19, 07:18
- Or, Jackal Snipers EVERYWHERE! :)
- A way Destiny excites me -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-18, 06:02
- A way Destiny excites me -
General Vagueness,
2013-03-17, 23:42
- A way Destiny excites me -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-17, 06:53
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 13:51
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 11:28
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 09:31
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-15, 04:03
- A way Destiny excites me - Leisandir, 2013-03-15, 06:42
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 08:18
- A way Destiny excites me -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-14, 11:35
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-15, 04:06
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-15, 08:29
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-15, 13:01
- This is getting semantic.
- Leisandir, 2013-03-15, 13:56
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-15, 14:16
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-15, 19:06
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-16, 07:26
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-16, 07:59
- Forget it... - RC, 2013-03-16, 09:13
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-16, 07:59
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-16, 07:26
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-15, 19:06
- A way Destiny excites me - ZackDark, 2013-03-15, 15:13
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-18, 00:04
- A way Destiny excites me - Kermit, 2013-03-18, 13:29
- This is getting semantic.
- A way Destiny excites me - narcogen, 2013-03-18, 00:03
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-15, 13:01
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-15, 08:29
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-15, 04:06
- A way Destiny excites me -
General Vagueness,
2013-03-16, 18:15
- A way Destiny excites me - ZackDark, 2013-03-16, 19:33
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 08:13
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-14, 06:23
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-13, 05:04
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-13, 04:27
- A way Destiny excites me - SonofMacPhisto, 2013-03-11, 09:22
- A way Destiny excites me -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-11, 00:32
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-10, 20:30
- A way Destiny excites me -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-09, 04:18
- I think you nailed it -
2013-03-09, 08:18
- I think you nailed it - Xenos, 2013-03-18, 10:13
- A way Destiny excites me -
2013-03-09, 09:40
- A way Destiny excites me - Stephen Laughlin, 2013-03-20, 12:01
- A way Destiny excites me - right on -
2013-03-09, 11:48
- A way Destiny excites me - right on -
2013-03-09, 12:00
- A way Destiny excites me - right on - uberfoop, 2013-03-09, 12:09
- A way Destiny excites me - right on -
2013-03-09, 12:00
- Let me sum all this up... -
2013-03-16, 09:36
- Let me sum all this up... - Mercury, 2013-03-16, 10:38
- Absolutely love this! - Mr Daax, 2013-03-16, 10:55
- A way Destiny excites me - Wakko45, 2013-03-16, 11:03