
GameInformer reports Destiny will have ADS (Aim Down Sights)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Monday, March 11, 2013, 08:01 (4366 days ago) @ Mattchoo

This fixed-reticule system, a hallmark of arcade-style game play, allows the user to fire weapons from the hip without aiming.

Huh????? Without aiming? :) care to play a 1v1 match with me in any arcade style game (Quake, UT, Halo)? I pride myself on having a decent aim. I would argue that the COD style of gunplay mechanics requires less aiming skill. There is more spread and randomness. Also, the instant you start getting a bullet hitting you the reticule jumps all over the screen.

He meant without having to use an "aim" button to look down the sights. He wasn't suggesting that you don't have to point the reticule at the correct place. Sheesh.

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