GameInformer reports Destiny will have ADS (Aim Down Sights)

by Mattchoo, Sunday, March 10, 2013, 08:36 (4087 days ago) @ SPQR Praetor

This fixed-reticule system, a hallmark of arcade-style game play, allows the user to fire weapons from the hip without aiming.

Huh????? Without aiming? :) care to play a 1v1 match with me in any arcade style game (Quake, UT, Halo)? I pride myself on having a decent aim. I would argue that the COD style of gunplay mechanics requires less aiming skill. There is more spread and randomness. Also, the instant you start getting a bullet hitting you the reticule jumps all over the screen.

The fixed-reticule system also appears to be making a comeback as it appears briefly in the ViDoc.

I need to watch the video again. I sure hope a fixed-reticule system is back. I want my shots to go exactly where I am aiming and intending them to be shot at.

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