GameInformer reports Destiny will have ADS

by kapowaz, Wednesday, March 06, 2013, 06:06 (4371 days ago) @ bluerunner

I don't want Destiny to be Halo gameplay set in another universe. I want it to be it's own style.

So long as it's fun I'm all for this, but Halo 4 has shown me that even remarkably similar styles of gunplay can result in very different feels of game (although I suppose there's an argument to be made for Halo 4 not actually being that similar to its predecessors).

When we look at the modern, successful FPS landscape, there are a few primary subdivisions: the Call of Duty-style ‘military realism’ shooter, using iron sights and relatively few, well-placed shots to despatch enemies (but there's a lot of them — see also: Killzone, Crysis etc.). Then there's the Halo-style (not necessarily, but often) sci-fi shooter, with lots of kinds of weapons with different effects, enemies that not only behave in wildly different ways, but take very different amounts/types of damage to kill — I'd include games like Half-Life 2 in this genre.

The ‘realism’ shooter is far less interesting to me — it's a lot easier to experience gamer fatigue when you're only ever shooting (say) humans. Most of the above try to mix things up a bit with other styles of gameplay, be they vehicles or whatever, but ultimately the experience of gunplay is more or less the same. Halo on the other hand (to varying degrees) was able to mix up the shooter sections too, thanks to the variety of enemy types. I don't think whether a weapon uses iron sights or an overlaid HUD for zoomed firing ultimately makes that big a difference on the gameplay — what matters is the variety of encounters.

I'd say that with the massive number of locations and enemies revealed already, Bungie is heading in the same direction again, but with the additional layer of variety that class-based player abilities provides. Hazarding a guess, I'd say that the Titan class will play most like Master Chief; that way if you enjoyed that the most, you're covered. For those who want to try something different, the other classes will give you other options.

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