
Bungie. Unequivocally.

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Thursday, February 21, 2013, 02:36 (4403 days ago) @ Revenant1988

"I don't like magic" just seems to me like a very odd position.

Everything we know about the universe seems to indicate that faster than light travel does not exist. Yet games like Halo feature this. When it needs to be explained, you get a bunch of psuedoscientific jargon.

How is this distinguishable from "magic"?

Does it matter, when your Spartan turns invisible, that the fictional reason is fictional science instead of fictional magic?

Does the writer or the OP play Mass Effect? Does it affect one's opinion of the game if "biotic powers" were suddenly called "magic"?

I'm given to wonder if this position is informed by a topic that I assume is verboten on this board...

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