On labels, and genres...kind of.

by NsU Soldier @, Washington, Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 18:19 (4106 days ago) @ Revenant1988

Once again, I just said that when I see the word "magic" it is associated with the fantasy genre, magicians, Houdini and other elements like that.

I know that Sci-fi has its own fair share of "magical" things.

It's just a simple trigger.

I understand, a lot of people have that issue. I think it's unfortunate for them because said people tend to write amazing things off just because of a word that entails certain things for them.

It also applies to other examples I've heard, like...

"I don't play RPGs, because Final Fantasy."

"I don't play MMOs, because WoW."

"I don't play shooters, because CoD."

"I don't like magic in stuff, because Harry Potter."

"I don't like sci-fi in stuff, because Trekkies."

And so on, and so forth.

I understand I'm rare in that I enjoy a very wide variety of genres in my entertainment, and other people have different tastes. I respect that. I just recommend that people wouldn't let labels (or certain words) get in the way of enjoying something that they would otherwise not have given a chance to.

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