
Annnnnnnd here comes the PS4 news dump. D'oh!

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 17:46 (4403 days ago) @ Kermit

I love my timing. Really do. Idk how I don't hit every bus when I cross the street haha.

Yeah, I admit that in the deluge of news coverage last week I can't remember what I read on news sites that were quotes and what were observations and their opinions.

So yeah, "magic" hit a sour note for me. The ME3 comparison is a good one, and does bridge that gap though I did not enjoy it much when I played it outside of a few matches with Bones.

Save the Apple talk, fanboy, I get enough of that from my co-workers :P

So I'll put you in the "Bungie" category.

You're one of my barometers Kerm- you have a level head on most things.

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