
Damage Mechanics (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 12:06 (4002 days ago) @ kapowaz

I'm so bored of this tedious Fisking. Once again the same old trope emerges: thou shalt not question the infallibility of Bungie.

It's funny how your perspective can change how something appears, because I've felt the HBO and DBO forums have actually been quite negative as of late. I often have to take breaks from these forums because I don't want to come here to read lists and lists of complaints regarding some of my favorite series' and developers. Even if that's a subjective mood talking, I rarely see anything close to an "infallibility of Bungie". One of the guys who you're discussing with created a site called "Halo Reach Is Not Canon"....that's got to say something for the range of people who stop by here, right?

Here's the crux of it: somebody asked for clarification about damage mechanics and rather than address it, Deej wrote a patronising non-answer, presumably under the impression it was funny (it wasn't, it was condescending and smart alec-esque).

I don't know what you're exactly referring to, but Bungie has consistently used their Mailsacks or Updates in a roast-like approach to questions that are either off the table at the moment, or are just bizarre/funny. It's not everybody's cup of tea, obviously, but I think you're leaving out some context that includes over a decade of answers in that style. I mean, their taglines either threaten to kick my ass or make fun of my mom on a regular basis...

I'm trying to draw attention - civilly - to this, and hopefully coax out some more sensible exchange. But it's seemingly impossible because as seems typical the sycophants on this forum see it as an attack on Bungie and so try to discredit the arguments instead of fostering a more open approach from Bungie.

The possible problem, as I see it, seems to be that not everyone wants that open of an approach, or even expects it. Like I stated in my other post in this thread, I love being teased and kept in the dark regarding something I'm excited for. You apparently don't, which is cool, but you've continually persisted in trying to make Bungie change their style to your wants for quite some time, which is probably why folks here have bounced back an equally persistent defense at you.

And that's probably why you feel like some folks are "sycophants" when I've felt like the same forum can often leap to the torches over a little detail Bungie mentioned in passing.

I'm fed up of it, so I guess I'm out.

:/ Hope you change your mind someday. I'm sure some of these same folks would love to pick apart gun mechanics with you after they've played the game.

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