
I don't know what you're expecting (Destiny)

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 11:49 (4002 days ago) @ kapowaz

I'm so bored of this tedious Fisking. Once again the same old trope emerges: thou shalt not question the infallibility of Bungie.

Here's the crux of it: somebody asked for clarification about damage mechanics and rather than address it, Deej wrote a patronising non-answer, presumably under the impression it was funny (it wasn't, it was condescending and smart alec-esque).

For a game very nearly 8 months out, I don't imagine we'll hear anything concrete until at least the 6 month mark. Other than art, gun ideas, and 2 for sure vehicles, we know nothing about mechanics or anything really. They'll tell when they are good and ready.

I'm not condoning or condemning, but before we were getting news for a game with no release date. Then it was hard to get a grasp on how long til information became relevant to an experience we were even in scope to understand. If I'm not playing the game in the next 3-4 months, I don't think I even want to be bothered with the details. Fiction stuff, yes. Art assets, oh sure. Vehicles, eh maybe, might still be a bit to far out.

I can understand them wanting to stick by what they say and not have to weasel out of a statement later because things changed. The best way to do that is say nothing at all.

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