
I completely agree. But... (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, December 07, 2020, 11:05 (1534 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I guess I will push back and say that only one of those enemies was even looking at you let alone doing anything. In those cases, of course there wasn't any risk. There wasn't really any risk in doing anything to the enemies.

I think that’s my point. When else would you use shoulder charge? Rushing someone who is staring at you with a gun ready isn’t the smartest play in the world—that it occasionally works because they happen to have a gun that can’t kill you fast enough doesn’t make it a good strategy.

This explains why you think it's not high risk. Every ability is no risk if the enemy doesn't know you are there. But that doesn't matter because what makes it high risk it was it deprives from you when you decide to use it: mobility, the use of your gun or any abilities (minus your super). That makes it high risk. How you use it can definitely make it less of a risk, but that doesn't mean the ability is less of a risk than say a throwing knife just because you decide to use it in the middle of a firefight.

I mean, again to counter argue the point that Shoulder charge take a very base level of awareness. That goes for the enemy as well. It takes at least a base level of awareness from them as well.

That’s why I called it brain dead (which may be overly harsh). It’s an ambush ability. It only works when you can surprise someone with it. If they have enough time to react, they can just kill you before you get to them. That’s not necessarily high-risk, it’s just using it an inappropriate times.

Where "inappropriate times" is when they see you or they don't have time to kill you before you get to them. That's my whole argument, it's why it's a high risk. It either one hits or you do absolutely nothing to them and you get wasted.

I want to say that it being an ambush ability, as you put it, doesn't keep it from being a high risk ability.

Even knowing that, I still usually take that gamble, in the hopes that the enemy is completely clueless and the shoulder charge might still work. I’m not sure what it means that often enough, the shoulder charge does still work.

I think I know what you are saying, but I just don't understand why it makes it less of a high risk ability.

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