Just a couple of things... (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Saturday, April 18, 2020, 09:53 (1788 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I do try to see the other side though. I’d be hard pressed to believe that anyone (or at least very many) look at the season pass as great content. But I do try to recognize that lots of people probably do enjoy what it offers, and for folks like Claude who would be playing the game anyway, it’s probably a good value proposition—a new small activity to play, some new gear to play with, just new stuff to do and chase while they play.

Yeah, please don't take what I said as "I think they're doing a great job with the value proposition of content for my cash" - I actually agree with you guys that the content this season (and for the last few seasons, to be honest) is not worth the money I put into it, if I judge by what I USED to get from my cash from Bungie.

HOWEVER: I still have fun playing (a lot of fun, it turns out), and in terms of an absolute value for my buck, it can't be beat. Yeah, I'm disappointed by how little new content there is in Season of the Worthy... but I'd be sad if I didn't have access to it, and I'm paying the equivalent of pennies per hour to play it. So while I can agree that we're not getting what they've offered us in the past, I can't argue that there's a better way (for me) to spend that $10 - I mean, what... that gets me 15 days of ad-free TV on Hulu? Two lattes at Starbucks (that I don't even want to go into right now)? A little over half a month of HBO programming? For me, it's a no-brainer, even though it's really not very much content.

I've passed the stage in my life where I feel comfortable jumping between games regularly. For me, Destiny is pretty much it - getting into a new game, and learning that game's control scheme, is actually more work than I feel like doing. (Feel free to judge me for that; I don't really care what anybody thinks about it. :) ) I COMPLETELY understand that if I didn't feel that way, then spending my $10/season on OTHER games would also be a no-brainer. But I do feel that way, so for me, the decision is easy.

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