Just a couple of things... (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Friday, April 17, 2020, 12:59 (1788 days ago) @ Morpheus

Am I seriously the only one who thinks Mote Thief is unreasonable? If it were killing Guardians and picking up their dropped motes, that's one thing. But trying to find their computer enemies—your allies—waiting for the other team to kill them, grabbing the motes the opponents are usually right on top of, and then hoping to survive for the the next 10, 15, 20 seconds? That's not nuts to anybody else here?

I got this one by accident, but there are definitely Triumphs that strike me as nuts. If I needed to get them all, I'd be angry. (In your case, if I needed to get THIS ONE, to finish a seal, I might be angry, too... but again, it fell in my lap, so I couldn't be angry.)

The Maximum Carnage medal/Triumph (for the first one) is nuts. You need to kill 7 guardians in a single invasion before Drifter brings you back. That means killing 3 of them... then team-wiping all 4 after they respawn in a single shot (rocket, super, whatever). I don't think I'll ever even come CLOSE to doing that. (I got to 5 once. Someone on DBO - Speed? Korny? I can't remember - got to 6. But 7? Yeah, no.)

Of course, that one's not required for any seal, so skipping it doesn't cost me (or you) anything.

@Cheapley—I understand,and you're absolutely right. But Destiny 2 isn't supposed to be fun.

Yeah... I gotta stop you here. As a couple of other people have said, if you're not having fun, stop playing. I DEFINITELY think it's supposed to be fun - and I have fun 98% of the time I play it. The whole cynical "Destiny is just a bounty simulator" meme is getting old. Ignore the damn bounties if they bother you. Really. There are 3 activities (4?) where light level actually matters. If you want to do those, maybe you have to worry about Bounties. For everything else, you're COMPLETELY FINE ignoring them. Just play the damn game.

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