
Buy The Full Version of BabelMorph For $29.99(Replies) (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, April 17, 2020, 10:34 (1789 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

He nailed it! Like, 95% of it.

Which, genuinely speaking, is actually better than the average translation software.

Am I seriously the only one who thinks Mote Thief is unreasonable? If it were killing Guardians and picking up their dropped motes, that's one thing. But trying to find their computer enemies—your allies—waiting for the other team to kill them, grabbing the motes the opponents are usually right on top of, and then hoping to survive for the the next 10, 15, 20 seconds? That's not nuts to anybody else here?

@Cheapley—I understand,and you're absolutely right. But Destiny 2 isn't supposed to be fun. At least, not anymore. It's a job now. You have to work to get to the fun, then you have to work to access the fun, upgrade the fun and infuse the fun. And in some cases, catalyst the fun. When I'm blasting Hive non-stop in the Altar of Sorrows, I'm having fun. When I'm replaying story missions, for any reason—triumph boosting, changing my playstyle to match modifiers, or just for the hell of it—I'm having fun. When I NUKE Majors, groups of enemies and Bosses with just one shot of the Xenophage, I've got a towel laying on the floor in front of my chair! But when I have to go into multiplayer and accomplish a task that requires the cooperation and direct assistance of the people who are trying to kill me?! That is NOT fun. That is SPITE.

@Cheapley & Macaddict—your posts are valid, but there is something I'd like to ask. I'm not being sarcastic or flippant, this is a genuine question: Is it really completionism if it's only for one specific achievement?

The only reason I'm doing any of this, why I even touched Gambit more than once, is to get the Chronicler title. And technically by association, the Seal the Deal achievement. Yes, Savior is free. Yes, Almighty is available/easy. But I don't want those. In fact, I don't want any of them. Once I get this title, I will never intentionally perform a single activity that will ever advance my progress towards another title a single inch. These titles let people know who you are, right? Well, I'm a storyteller. I want to know more, read more, learn more. And I want people to see that. That's my passion for doing this book. Completionist, maybe. But it's a pretty small drop in the pond.

@Macaddict—you answered your own question right there. People play the game they want to. They get mad at Bungie forcing them because they can no longer play the game they want to.

@Cruel—you answered your own question, too. You gave a heartfelt, sensible and passionate paragraph about what drives you to do the activities you need, and the grind you go through to get the weapons you love, and that's perfectly fine; I do that too occasionally! Then when you said you didn't understand my thing, I had to chuckle. Weapons have check marks, too! Through a quest, a bounty or just the check mark of RNG. We just displayed the exact same drive and spirit, just for two different rewards. ;-)

btw, a friend of mine in The Respawn, he's on run 47 of Scourge. Nice job, Bungo.

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