The pursuits tab is bad (Destiny)

by ChrisTheeCrappy, Wednesday, June 05, 2019, 11:56 (2009 days ago) @ Vortech

## no text:
I understand how it's cluttered and a lot of information all at once, but I just can't see how it's not better then requiring a mouse-over to even identify among a string of identical icons. And further, how - other then text - can you solve that problem? I can't keep all the names of gear straight, I'm not going to be able to memorize a different icon for every possible bounty and quest. This might be an area for improving readability through font/layout, but text on display has to be the right answer, yeah?

But since none of the messages finish, you still need to hover over to read the text. It therefore still requires what you said it's better than. Now it just makes it confusing up front and MAYBE once is a while is readable as a whole without it. So I don;'t think you point on this one is valid. I agree that the other complaints are not real complaints, other than UI/UX it's cluttered and just hard to read. I think the text is the reason why personally.

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