
The pursuits tab is bad (Destiny)

by Robot Chickens, Wednesday, June 05, 2019, 10:14 (2016 days ago) @ bluerunner
edited by Robot Chickens, Wednesday, June 05, 2019, 10:44

I echo a lot of the complaints here. Some people have suggested that its the same number of button presses to get to the information and we'll get used to the new norm. I'm sympathetic to that, but I think it's bad because there are so many places you need to go to accomplish similar tasks. There are lots of things that do the same thing functionally, but they are stored in different location. For instance, bounties are things you do that you turn in and they get you loot after you've accomplished a particular task. They also have a triumphs that do the same thing and now they give you rewards you need to use to unlock pursuits. The invitation from the emperor requires that you unlock stuff scattered throughout the UI and it's not an easy transition. Add in load times and you spend a lot more time just navigating through stuff second-guessing your instincts.

Also, the pursuits are organized as poorly as D2Y1 vaults. Why are exotic quests, my talks with the emperor and my crucible bounties all jumbled together? Oh, there's a golden cup and a synthesizer there too? Sure, why not.

I miss the blade in the directer. There's been enough time that people don't associate it with the weekly checklist any more. Bring it back and put it to use.

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