
The pursuits tab is bad (Destiny)

by bluerunner @, Music City, Wednesday, June 05, 2019, 10:50 (2016 days ago) @ Vortech

## Too many button presses:
It's 2, right? Same as before? You sometimes need to hold the button down, so that slows me down sometimes comparatively, but it's not a big change for me. At the same time, Consumables are now one step more accessible. The thing that slows me down is that I have never once not gone to the old location first. I assume that will change after a couple months of me failing to remember the change, though. I do sometimes need to press extra buttons to find a specific pursuit, because they spread to multiple pages, though…

Maybe I should clarify here. I will go multiple times back and forth from bounties to loadout to make sure I have the correct weapons and elements loaded to knock out the bounties, trying to knock out multiple bounties at once. Now, instead of just tabbing over, I go through two different menu areas, and have to sort the bounties and/or flip pages each time because it doesn't save my sort order. That is too many button presses.

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