
Kind sir, you are doing me a boggle. (Off-Topic)

by Funkmon @, Wednesday, January 24, 2018, 08:44 (2586 days ago) @ Kermit

I disagree with you on some of that.

I think Star Wars was the best movie because of Luke turning into a hero, but I consider the original trilogy, and the prequel trilogy, to be a LOTR style history. We follow some characters, but the point is to tell the story of the fall of the republic and the fall of the empire, in the prequels and original movies, respectively.

I don't have a problem with the force stuff. Throughout the original movies Luke is said to be strong with the force, indicating he was special. Yoda said as much. It's essentially confirmed with the conversation between Luke and Leia in ROTJ that it's a special gift. Anyone can gain knowledge of the force and use it, but few can manipulate it. Those few can be Jedi.

Luke doing the force doppelganger is consistent with EU Jedi powers, and it's some dumb magic, I don't even care what they say it can do, but it's admittedly a stretch, though not a far one considering how Luke, Vader, and Leia chatted to one another with it.

Yoda, over time, becomes more and more flexible with tradition as he realizes the ways of the Jedi have failed them. You see it in ROTS, and in ESB he is convinced to break with tradition and train Luke despite (or perhaps because of) what happened with Vader. By ROTJ Yoda says Luke's done training, presumably because the world has taught him enough.

Furthermore, Yoda, knowing Rey saved the Jedi books, knows the knowledge of the force and the Jedi will live on, even if the order does not.

Otherwise, I agree completely.

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