
Kind sir, you are doing me a boggle. (Off-Topic)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 23, 2018, 17:42 (2587 days ago) @ Kermit

Rey needs training. No, she doesn't.

That's because Rey taught Luke.

Luke is here, No, he isn't.

Not sure I understand this one.

Snopes is super powerful. No, he isn't.

He was… He was just outsmarted.

We need to go to the gambling planet. No, we don't.

We do. The entire theme of the movie, that the future rebellion will be made up not of chosen ones, but of the downtrodden and oppressed of the galaxy. What do you think the boy force pulling the broom was all about?

Self-sacrifice is heroic. No, it isn't.

Except when Luke did it?

Leia just died. No, she didn't.

And then she did again. Too soon?

Yoda is here to uphold tradition. No, he isn't.

Yoda was never there to uphold tradition.

Kylo is turning. No, he isn't.

This is just misdirection, not a setup that doesn't pay off. He clearly hid his motives.

Guys are dumb jocks. Um, yeah, can't argue with you there.

Some are nerds!

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