
Chiral, Apeiron, Maelstrom, great games. (Off-Topic)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Thursday, August 24, 2017, 12:26 (2490 days ago) @ Claude Errera

I'm just responding to say I remember Ambrosia - I was pretty tied in back in the day. (I beta-tested a bunch of stuff: EV was on the list, along with stuff like Chiral, Apeiron, Swoop, Maelstrom... a bunch of other games I can't even remember. Also helped out with a couple of their productivity apps: Wiretap (recording) and Snapz, their screenshot app - I STILL use Snapz, today, on Sierra.) I was never on their forums, though, or maybe we'd have met earlier. :)

Man, I had forgotten some of those games. Chiral & Maelstrom were probably my favorite.

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