
Good Peoples of the Internets! Show Me Your Favorite Mug! (Off-Topic)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, August 23, 2017, 19:20 (2490 days ago)
edited by Ragashingo, Wednesday, August 23, 2017, 19:24

Now, the people who know me would think that my Apple mug is my favorite.


But it is not. My favorite mug is somewhat related though.

[image] [image]

That, my friends, is an Ambrosia Software special forum moderators only gift mug! Ambrosia Software, if you don’t know, was a pioneer in Mac shareware and a developer of some great Mac utilities such as Snapz Pro and Wiretap Studio, and a developer and publisher whole bunch of great Mac games such as Ares, the Escape Velocity series, Darwinia, pop-pop, Redline, Aquaria, Uplink, DEFCON, and Harry the Handsome Executive. Sadly, shareware as a concept has been destroyed by app stores and free to play games and Ambrosia is, as far as I know, essentially dormant. Which is quite the decline from a great Mac company that fueled my entry into gaming and storytelling. My first stories, written almost a decade ago, were a series of EV: Nova fan fiction, which I now link to without going back and cringing over them. I’ll leave that to all of you.

My mug is certainly not one of a kind, but I’d guesstimate that there’s under 100 like it. But what about you? What about your favorite mug?

Show it to us!

Tell us its tales!

I insist! :)

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