
I've broken more mugs than I can remember... (Off-Topic)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, August 24, 2017, 10:24 (2490 days ago) @ Claude Errera

...I try not to get attached any more.

I'm just responding to say I remember Ambrosia - I was pretty tied in back in the day. (I beta-tested a bunch of stuff: EV was on the list, along with stuff like Chiral, Apeiron, Swoop, Maelstrom... a bunch of other games I can't even remember. Also helped out with a couple of their productivity apps: Wiretap (recording) and Snapz, their screenshot app - I STILL use Snapz, today, on Sierra.) I was never on their forums, though, or maybe we'd have met earlier. :)

I was in on at least some of those beta test. Mostly later stuff starting around Redline, Wiretap / Wiretap Studio, Aquaria, etc. Years after release I finally made it on the EV: Nova beta list when they were testing one of the “Well... looks like OS X completely broke the game, I guess we’ll rewrite it” updates. And heck, the little gameplay video playing here? That’s me! Recording either from my iMac DV or (given the fast load time) probably my iBook G4.

We’re you on the email lists? I bet we could dig up each other’s emails! :)

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