
Hah (Gaming)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Thursday, April 27, 2017, 00:02 (2866 days ago) @ Schooly D

Admin note: This got caught in the spam filter. Maybe try adding some, you know, conversation with your link next time. ;-)

Is this a joke? Literally every post I make gets caught in the spam filter. It's been happening for at least a year.

Apparently. Just had to unflag this one too. Must be something about your connection; the check is run against a global spam-check system. Probably should take that spambot offline or something. ;)

Really, though… I know that connecting via some VPN services can cause flagging because other people have used those services to do illicit deeds, so there may be a flag somewhere for your IP block for something you didn't do. Maybe check your IP against an RBL blacklist service?

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