
I like this topic. (Gaming)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 21:46 (2866 days ago) @ Kermit

Mostly how it confirms that The Last of Us plays poorly.

I disagree. The aim assist is poor in the early part of the game, but that fit with the learning curve the characters were experiencing.

Nope, I gotta say, the actual player control in LoU was pretty bad at points. It seemed clear to me that some areas were created before the mechanics were nailed down, and they were never really gone back over and cleaned up. That tutorial bit of throwing the cans at the beginning.. UGH. Half of the walls in that room couldn't be used as cover, and if they were, wouldn't let the player out of cover after using them. It's not so much actual poor gameplay as a square peg-round hole problem. Portions of the game try to force you to play in a way that the game mechanics don't support. That one hallway in the college with a bunch of bad guys was painful. I'm sure you know the one. Fortunately, most of the game gave you enough of an area to move around in that the gameplay shined, but some of those areas... so bad.

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