
Thank you for the heads up - and HOLY SHIT (Gaming)

by Kahzgul, Saturday, November 12, 2016, 03:26 (3031 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

So because of your alert, I convinced myself to go out and buy the game yesterday.

Today I played through the campaign.


I was expecting the prototypical "unlock one new ability per level" thing that games do, based on the spoiler-free reviews I had read. So glad to find that wasn't the case. That being said, I absolutely did not expect:

the fucking time-travel level. HOLY SHIT THAT WAS AWESOME!!!

Nor did I expect

The sky-chase level. So well done! So fun! Fuck Viper.

And the last thing...

The level where the dynamic scenario factory is building a level as you play through it... The sheer size and scope of the moving pieces Respawn was able to imagine, construct, and execute still stagger me. The first Titanfall had all these epic splash screens to show you how they imagined the game universe, but this Titanfall actually had that same sense of scale in the real gameplay...

It was simply fucking brilliant.

On a scale of 0-The Last of Us for emotional connection and storytelling, I put this at a 9. So, so good. This game was every bit as stunning, impressive, and satisfying as CoD: MW3 was. There were so many purely awesome things... It just played out wonderfully.

Thanks for the recommendation, good buddy.

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