
Might I add... (Gaming)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, November 10, 2016, 14:27 (3033 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Both games are $35 each at Target, today only.

I hear great things about Battlefield 1, and I've already talked about why Titanfall 2 is one of my favorite games ever, so if you've been on the fence about either game today might be a good day to jump on them!


As much as I seemed to bash the campaign's shortcomings, it's definitely one of my favorite campaigns of the year, and this spoilery Kotaku article highlights some of the masterful storytelling and gameplay-building techniques that Respawn employed in the game.

Before I ran out of time with the game, I was playing through the campaign on Master difficulty, and while I didn't get to complete the final three missions, I was reminded of playing the first Modern Warfare game on Veteran difficulty, where you have to outwit the game rather than hunch behind a piece of cover for minutes on end. it was really great (enough that I'd add a bonus point to the campaign score for avoiding fake difficulty and still being a genuine challenge to get through).

PS. You wanna know my favorite trope aversion in the game? There is a segment where you have to hold out against waves of enemies while you wait for something to charge up to 100%; never seen that before, huh?... Except that you don't have to kill a single enemy. The thing really is charging up in the background, and you just have to survive long enough to do it, which on Master difficulty, I did by Wallrunning under the map for about five minutes straight while Ticks kept chasing me. Exhilarating stuff.

PS. The multiplayer is pretty dang okay, and they won't be charging for any upcoming expansions, which is a plus.

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