
I disagree (Off-Topic)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Saturday, January 02, 2016, 04:20 (3358 days ago) @ Avateur

That review was... Well, I just feel bad for whoever wrote it. He seems so caught up in the obvious, that movies are made to make money, that he's become blind to having fun. For instance, he says:

You, the consumer, are the mark who keeps paying.

To which I say: Damn right I'll keep paying as long as what is being produced is entertaining. Not every moving is going to be deep and intellectual. Not every movie is going to redefine how we think of cinema. Most aren't and won't, but that's perfectly ok because that's not the point of movies.

Heh, I kinda want to see a list of films this guy did like... if there are any...

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