Finally saw it last night. (Off-Topic)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, December 22, 2015, 17:39 (3265 days ago) @ Avateur

I can finally read this thread. :)

Gotta say - wasn't really impressed. It was a fun couple of hours, don't get me wrong; I don't feel like I wasted my money. Good company, good food, comfortable seats, lots of funny in-jokes.

The movie, as a whole, though... left me pretty cold.

It almost seemed like a reboot of A New Hope - almost every scene was a reimagination of a scene from that movie. (Well, okay, there were bits pulled in from Empire Strikes Back, too.) It was well filmed, it flowed nicely, I laughed - but I never became invested in any characters. It was throwaway fluff, for the most part.

And as much as folks have been poo-poohing that '40 terrible plot holes' article, there WERE a ton of plot holes, some of which weren't even on that list.

Eh. Whatever. If you loved it, great. If you were entertained but don't really care much about it at this point... I'm in your boat.

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