
Pretty much agree . . . (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 13:37 (3318 days ago) @ Funkmon

I was fine with the puzzle solving in the game. I'm bad at them, and had trouble doing some of them, so SHUT UP. I didn't like the nightmare scene's puzzles, though. I had a lot of trouble getting through the maze, and was totally done with it mentally halfway through the first time I played it.

I've seen quite a few people on reddit saying they had trouble with the maze. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like folks forgot how the time rewind mechanic works. Time rewinds, but Max's position doesn't change. So you can literally just walk through the maze. If you get caught, just rewind until the flashlight is not facing you or coming towards you, and continue on. You can basically just walk straight through it without having to run around avoiding anyone.

I was all right with it, because, to me, the game was clearly over. There weren't no more story. I was ready for a nostalgia trip since the rest of that shit sucked so bad. But, I'm a sucker for it.

I wouldn't have minded (and probably enjoyed) if it was just a few scenes. Walking along the train tracks holding hands. Dancing on the bed. The swimming pool. Things like that.

For example, the ending scene of Breaking Dawn part 2 makes me cry every time. I cried in the theater. I cried watching with my friend Rachel. I cry watching it alone. I cry when the song comes on the radio.

I cried just now. Not a joke.

Heh, I'm actually the same way. The part in the final Harry Potter film when Harry is going to the forest to give himself to Voldemort and Hermione says, "I'll go with you . . ." I just lose it every single time. Her expression and the way she says it, almost in a sob . . . I seriously lose my shit just thinking about it.

I cried quite a few times through all of LiS, so I have no aversion to things like that. The nostalgia trip just didn't work for me for whatever reason.

2. Similar to number one, Episode 5 basically abandoned everything that made Episodes 1-4 good. It was all the small talk and relaxing moments, the moments that really make you feel a part of the world. Exploring the dorms and talking to people. Max playing her guitar. Chloe dancing on the bed. Etc, etc. Episode 5 had precisely none of that.

I literally never thought of that until you brought it up. I didn't think of the Warren thing. I might be oblivious, but I was super sucked into the game. Only when it happened did I think "are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit?"

The only reason I thought of it personally, is because it seems like an obvious direction to go (and one that's happen before in time travel stories). You have to go all the way back and not use time travel because it's bad and screws everything up. I really only thought it in a joking way, like there's no way this is how they'll end it because that's obviously terrible.

Going back and killing Chloe is such a waste of fucking time. WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE THE POWER? JUST LET HER DIE IN THE FIRST PLACE, NO TIME TRAVEL, NO STORY.

Yep. I mean, that's the point, judging from Chloe's final speech, all the "It'll still have meaning" crap. But it's stupid.

I initially questioned this as well, but it seems to me that it must have been a day or two days after. The town seemed relatively clean, bodies were covered up, no obvious police presence in the shots we saw. It might have been as simple as a drive through town on the way to Chloe driving Max back to her parents' house in Seattle or something.

I guess that's probably true. I just assumed they had emerged from the lighthouse after the storm had passed and just drove off.

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