
Got a question about Destiny?

by Mr Daax ⌂ @, aka: SSG Daax, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 12:19 (3980 days ago) @ Claude Errera
edited by Mr Daax, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 12:25

We meant to open this thread yesterday - but things got away from us.

If you have questions you'd like to ask the devs here, post them in this thread! We're going to do our best to get some interview time, and we'd love to get your input, too!

Thanks Claude! First, tell 'em they did an awesome job. It looks and sounds freaking gorgeous! I was squealing with excitement, just ask Chewie.

As for questions:

1) I am still fuzzy on the class differences. Yes, the Warlocks can do awesome glimmer magics. Can the other classes do any of that as well? How will the classes play differently. What can the Titans do that the Hunters and Warlocks cannot? And same for the Hunters and Warlocks. Are there weapon restrictions to the classes? For example, can only the Hunters use sniper-esque weapons? Can only the Titans use heavy machine gun style weapons, or rocket launcher type weapons? Or are the differences more along the lines of character stats?
EDIT: Just noticed the Hunter in the front page pic holding what looks like a badass rocket launcher. I'm gonna guess there are no class weapon restrictions.

2)I too am dying to know if the game is open world. If it isn't, how big are the play spaces we will be put into, and how many of them are there? Are there a certain number of play spaces per planet? Will more be added as the game progresses?

Other than that, I am content. Though frustrating, I am enjoying not knowing a whole lot. I think it will make the game that much more enjoyable and surprising when I play it.


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