
Got a question about Destiny?

by car15, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 11:50 (3980 days ago) @ Claude Errera
edited by car15, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 11:56

Dear friends at B.U.N.G.L.E.,

You have advertised Destiny as a 'social game,' emphasizing the interactions between players, the importance of individual choice in each player's personal narrative, and the ability for players to become 'heroes' of the game world.

Exactly what does this mean from a gameplay perspective? Do players have true control over their own stories, a la Mass Effect (or at least a la what Mass Effect was supposed to be)? Or are the choices players make limited to the selection of custom loot and gear?

Will players interact in a truly shared world or a semi-shared world? Are there core story missions that all players experience separately, in their own separate private canons, or is absolutely everything about Destiny shared among all players?

If Destiny is a truly shared world in the purest sense, then how is it possible for all players to become 'heroes' of the game world? What has Bungie implemented to prevent the "chef on Naboo syndrome" that plagued games like Star Wars Galaxies?

And one last question, just as a personal curiosity. Dialogue trees add a meaty layer of individual player choice to many popular RPG games. Does Destiny feature dialogue trees similar to the ones used in these games? Does player choice impact the outcome of the narrative, as Mass Effect attempted?

(Sorry if this has been asked already. I have a busy day and no time to read the entire thread.)

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