
Related note: On Marathon . . . (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, September 23, 2015, 18:02 (3198 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Yes, you need to play it through. Just reading the terminals is no substitute. You can read all of the terminals on the marathon story page.

Thanks for the link at any rate. I'm not sure playing it is really in the cards, both because of limited time, and because of it's age. Someday I may give it another shot, but that won't be any time soon.

My recommendation is to play the original versions of the game, and not Aleph One. Aleph One just kind makes everything look and feel worse in my opinion. If everything is as intended, it's not that bad. Turn off the music in Marathon 1, because it's much scarier and more atmospheric without it. M2 and Infinity ditched music for ambient sound, confirming my preference :-)

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