
not quite (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, September 23, 2015, 16:22 (3198 days ago) @ Durandal

in one of the failed timelines the nova goes wrong, and instead the W'rkananter escape and destroy the Pfor fleet and Durandal's Boomer. The horror of the Pfor admirals is mentioned.

"But the trackless whisper chattering through
the hollow space in these cursed walls buzzes
and threatens madness. The abomination
cracked the shells of my crew and sucked the
husks, tossing them unseen and shattering the
spindle like a dried creche.
The shields are gone, not down, but gone, and
so are the engineers. It's coming back, I'm
sure: and my last mercy is immolation.

Great Mother crouched behind the Throne, I
make this wrong right."

Which level is this? You have to do weird stuff to get to the failed timelines sometimes. Maybe I've missed it after all these years...

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