
*EVENT UPDATED* (Fireteam Builder Events)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, July 30, 2015, 11:45 (3348 days ago) @ stabbim

Good to know. I always thought it was just a double-dip situation if you ran it on hard without running normal first.

I've updated the event to normal.

Technically it is still a double-dip situation - just with a larger pool of possibilities. If you do hard mode (without having done it on normal already that week), you do have double chances to get Found Verdict, but you also have those chances to get any other gun from both the normal mode and hard mode loot pools. If you run it on normal mode, you only have one "roll" to get FV, and the other possible rolls are limited to the normal mode loot table for that drop. I doubt anyone outside Bungie knows the actual math that would tell whether it is more likely to get that particular gun from rolling once on "table a" or twice on "table a + b".

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