
Help me get a Found Verdict? (Fireteam Builder Events)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Wednesday, July 29, 2015, 17:05 (3349 days ago)

Event here:

Please halp.

I deeply regret dismantling mine back when TDB came out. At the time, 331 shotguns were available which did more damage, and I didn't really need Oracle Disruptor on a shotgun, so getting rid of it seemed fine. Now that ascending is a thing, I want it back.

Since it drops from Oracles and Templar, the idea is to run VoG (on hard) up to the point where we defeat the Templar. If nothing drops, do so again. Up to 3 times if needed.

If anyone participating wants to keep running after (if) my Found Verdict drops, I'm fine with that!

Note: I was in a VoG group a few nights ago with someone who hadn't run VoG much (and I think, may not have played much Destiny at all since the time the Vault first came out). He got a Found Verdict, which was annoying enough on its own, but then came those immortal words: "I don't even know what this is and it only does 265 damage (sic), I'm sharding it." And he did. He sharded it. Without even bothering to find out what it was. :(

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