
Close to Know Return

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Monday, May 06, 2013, 20:58 (4019 days ago) @ ncsuDuncan


This was once forged by a dark and terrible manipulator of dreams, for the sole desire of distorting and bending the visions of his victims to his will. Unfortunately, he could not foresee that some of his enemies would not react so predictably to his clever ruse, and thus he was cut down. For centuries it has been acquired by adventurers in hopes of taming and mastering it's wild powers, but tragically each has fallen by their own doing... That is until you came upon it's faded glow beneath one of the swampy marshes of Venus. It seemed to call to you without words. And when you first stroked one of it's dim light beams, an explosion of colors and elation enveloped you. It belonged to you now, and you belonged to it.

This puppy is the granddaddy of all Electromagnetic Optical Distortion Keyboards... of which this is the only one. It is in essence a tactical melee weapon. When played in certain ways, enemies may not see you at all, they be called to you attention, they may be confused and begin to attack one another... it really takes getting used to. Once you discover you can sever the bond between the Hive pawns and their queen and assert yourself as their new master, they will learn fear. Unfortunately, it seems as the fallen are not fans of the musical and manipulative arts as they always seem to berserk the player in most applicable situations. Use wisely.

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