
“I don't want to play a game that makes me cry!”

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, April 06, 2013, 18:17 (4066 days ago) @ Jillybean

Why do companies take such risks with things like online DRM, which has backfired horribly with Sim City and EA has been giving away free games to compensate, but they won't take a risk with expanding some emotional horizons?

This is easy. Because you don't want them to.

Don't believe me? Conventional wisdom says it's the publishers who are adverse to taking risks, and if indie games just had funding then all would be well. Okay, so look at kickstarter. Get your game funded on kickstarter, and you can do anything you want.

So where are all the amazing, emotional innovative games coming from kickstarter that are being heaped with money from fans demanding quality emotional engagement? Oh there are none? What's getting funded? RETRO GAMES.

You all had your chance, but chose to fund games that not only do not innovate, but actually go backward.

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