
“I don't want to play a game that makes me cry!”

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Saturday, April 06, 2013, 15:43 (4346 days ago) @ kapowaz

Like most here, I'm of the conviction that the best stories are the ones that successfully employ as many emotional connections as possible. I read a lot of books, and I play a lot of games, and in both mediums I appreciate a well executed heart-string pull. Whether it's (spoilers) Gavroche getting shot in Les Mis, or Eli's death in Half-Life 2, Episode 2, there are distinct moments that I can recall to mind having an emotional attachment to fictional characters. Attachments that transcended the simplistic "This guy did something cool! Radical!" connection that I seem to develope with any bro in power armor.

It's okay if Bungie doesn't want to try for a searingly deep and heart-felt emotional plot line in Destiny. After all, they've repeatedly stated that they're making an ACTION game, and to be a good action game you don't always need to have tears (though the ending of Halo 3 seemed to pull it off well (DOUBLE ASIDE: For me Halo 3's Chief/Cortana moments were WAY harder hitting than Halo 4's. I blame the writing.)).

If it's all the same though, I personally would prefer having both massive explosion high-fives AND serious story-driven sob-fests. But that's the opinion of one gamer.

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