Unknown enemy race

by Wakko45, Saturday, March 30, 2013, 11:12 (4353 days ago) @ SigbiasSilva

I just rewatched this part of the GDC panel and they never mentioned that the 'soul escaping' was an aspect of the Fallen.

Between transitioning between this picture of 5 races/soul escaping and the next pictures of more detailed sketches of the Fallen they say:
"these turned into more detailed silhouette studies from those sketches".

They aren't talking about specifically the Fallen, they're talking in general, that the sketches from the last slide turned into more detailed renderings. The Fallen just happen to be the first pictures in these next slides.

The Red frame is clearly the Vex, and the Grey clearly the Cabal. This leaves the Blue, Green and Yellow. I'd argue that the Blue is the Fallen considering it looks like they may have more than two arms but more importantly they have the little orbs leading these big vehicles just like we see in the picture of the Fallen and the Spidertank. Leaving the Yellow and Green pictures I'd say the Green with the "soul escaping" probably belongs to the Hive. The whole concept of souls escaping and space zombies just seems to belong together. Plus the green color palette seems like it would work for the Hive as well.

This only leaves the Yellow, with some mysterious triangles in the sky. If you guys listened to early in the GDC panel there was a picture of "Giant Onyx Pyramids" that they weren't allowed to say anything else about. The pyramids look like giant space ships and look very likely to be the triangles in the sky of the Yellow frame. I would argue that since they weren't allowed to talk about the "Giant Onyx Pyramids" any more then that this is probably a race that has not been disclosed yet.

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