
Am I the only one around here

by SigbiasSilva @, West Midlands, England, Friday, March 29, 2013, 14:41 (4068 days ago) @ Cody Miller

The graphics are the primary way you respond to a game. As such, their quality and art direction has a huge impact on how you perceive the game. As you point out, yes you have to have graphics appropriate to your game, but can you imagine making limbo on the NES? Would it have the impact it had? Nope. It would have just been a dull platformer that would have been instantly forgotten.

I don't disagree about the importance and initial impact of graphics and art direction. Limbo and NES games being compared to one another in terms of the importance of graphics still remains to be an extreme and largely redundant example, though? Those sit on almost opposing ends of game history.

Let's not forget the comment that lead to this tangent, and that we're talking about modern games and their visuals, and in-house engines:

Maybe it would limit their flexibility. Maybe given the finite number of man hours they have to make a game, they don't consider it worth the trade-offs in different areas.

To me, better graphics have never made the difference between a good game and great game - Kermit

And I agree 100% with that. It boils down to gameplay and fun. Destiny is already stated to substitute some graphical umph for large scale worlds and networking funk, and that's it. It's nothing for anyone to worry about, and I don't think the graphical "loss" is going to deter anyone from the experience! ;D

What we've seen looks great! It might not compare to some other Next Gen titles technically, but that really doesn't bother me. If the vision of scale remains true, I'm fine with Destiny looking the way it currently does! :)

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