
Motivations behind region restrictions in games
Region-specific locks exist in MMOs for a few non-trivial reasons. First of all there is the language barrier: most MMOs involve a lot of communication, and if you can't communicate then it's going to affect the experience. Then there's timezones: if a game places particular importance on collaboration, then it's no good if your community aren't online simultaneously. This is — curiously enough — why World of Warcraft players in South Africa use the EU realms. Then there's latency. A US-based player could, if they so desired, get hold of an EU copy of World of Warcraft and play on the EU realms, but the experience would suck: latency would be so high that it'd affect the gameplay.
Those aren't good reasons to region lock. The proper thing to do is what Blizzard USED to do, and that's let you connect to whatever region you want. So you'd be presented with a list of realms, US East, US West, Europe, Asia, etc and the default would be the one closest to you. You'd get the best experience by choosing the default, but you could always override that and go where you wanted as long as you were willing to tackle the issues you mention.
Complete thread:
- Always online does not equal DRM -
2013-03-20, 20:33
- Always online does not equal DRM -
2013-03-20, 20:40
- This -
2013-03-20, 20:43
- This -
Stephen Laughlin,
2013-03-20, 21:25
- Marked.
- Xenos, 2013-03-20, 21:26
- This -
2013-03-20, 22:33
- What about roads?
- Ragashingo, 2013-03-20, 22:45
- What about roads? - Dagoonite, 2013-03-20, 23:45
- Roads? Where we're going, we won't need roads...
- thebruce, 2013-03-21, 06:35
- What about roads?
- Marked.
- This -
Stephen Laughlin,
2013-03-20, 21:25
- This -
2013-03-20, 20:43
- I believe it does -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-20, 23:17
- I believe it does -
2013-03-20, 23:26
- I believe it does -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-20, 23:46
- I believe it does - Xenos, 2013-03-20, 23:47
- I believe it does - MrPadraig08, 2013-03-21, 07:41
- I believe it does -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-20, 23:46
- I believe it doesn't -
Dean Hofmeyer (unhh),
2013-03-21, 01:35
- Good points
- Xenos, 2013-03-21, 01:37
- Good points -
2013-03-21, 05:08
- Good points -
2013-03-21, 07:06
- Good points -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-21, 11:44
- Good points - Kermit, 2013-03-21, 14:25
- Good points -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-21, 11:44
- Good points -
2013-03-21, 07:06
- Good points -
2013-03-21, 05:08
- I believe it doesn't -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-21, 12:30
- I believe it doesn't - Dean Hofmeyer (unhh), 2013-03-21, 15:41
- I believe it doesn't -
2013-03-21, 23:48
- I believe it doesn't -
2013-03-21, 23:54
- I believe it doesn't -
2013-03-23, 04:04
- I believe it doesn't - Xenos, 2013-03-23, 13:31
- I believe it doesn't -
2013-03-23, 04:04
- I believe it doesn't - thebruce, 2013-03-22, 06:36
- I believe it doesn't -
2013-03-21, 23:54
- Good points
- Exhibit A: Banned Consoles - kapowaz, 2013-03-21, 01:40
- Exhibit B: Emulators -
2013-03-21, 01:56
- Exhibit B: Emulators -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-21, 08:58
- Exhibit B: Emulators -
2013-03-21, 09:12
- Exhibit B: Emulators - Cody Miller, 2013-03-21, 09:26
- Exhibit B: Emulators -
2013-03-21, 09:12
- Exhibit B: Emulators -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-21, 08:58
- I believe it does -
Dean Hofmeyer (unhh),
2013-03-25, 01:35
- I believe it does -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-25, 09:20
- I believe it does - Dean Hofmeyer (unhh), 2013-03-25, 12:37
- I believe it does -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-25, 09:20
- I believe it does -
2013-03-20, 23:26
- Except that it does. -
2013-03-21, 23:42
- Client-Server != DRM -
2013-03-22, 01:59
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 09:51
- Client-Server != DRM -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-22, 09:59
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 10:09
- Client-Server != DRM - uberfoop, 2013-03-22, 10:11
- Client-Server != DRM -
Schooly D,
2013-03-22, 11:00
- Client-Server != DRM -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-22, 11:07
- Client-Server != DRM - Cody Miller, 2013-03-22, 11:32
- Client-Server != DRM - kapowaz, 2013-03-22, 12:11
- Client-Server != DRM -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-22, 11:07
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 10:09
- Client-Server != DRM -
2013-03-22, 10:27
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 10:42
- Client-Server != DRM -
2013-03-22, 12:07
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 12:12
- Client-Server != DRM - kapowaz, 2013-03-22, 12:38
- Client-Server != DRM -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-22, 14:36
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 15:38
- Client-Server != DRM -
Dean Hofmeyer (unhh),
2013-03-22, 16:09
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 16:50
- Client-Server != DRM - Dean Hofmeyer (unhh), 2013-03-22, 17:45
- My Only Concern With Destiny -
2013-03-23, 05:04
- My Only Concern With Destiny -
2013-03-23, 06:23
- My Only Concern With Destiny -
2013-03-23, 10:48
- My Only Concern With Destiny -
2013-03-24, 19:47
- My Only Concern With Destiny -
2013-03-24, 19:54
- My Only Concern With Destiny -
2013-03-24, 20:48
- My Only Concern With Destiny - RC, 2013-03-24, 21:46
- My Only Concern With Destiny -
2013-03-24, 20:48
- My Only Concern With Destiny -
2013-03-24, 19:54
- My Only Concern With Destiny -
2013-03-24, 19:47
- My Only Concern With Destiny -
2013-03-23, 10:48
- My Only Concern With Destiny -
2013-03-23, 06:23
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 16:50
- Client-Server != DRM - kapowaz, 2013-03-22, 16:27
- Client-Server != DRM -
Dean Hofmeyer (unhh),
2013-03-22, 16:09
- Client-Server != DRM -
2013-03-23, 04:49
- Client-Server != DRM -
2013-03-24, 17:30
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-24, 22:07
- Client-Server != DRM -
Dean Hofmeyer (unhh),
2013-03-25, 01:19
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-25, 09:06
- Client-Server != DRM - Dean Hofmeyer (unhh), 2013-03-25, 12:42
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-25, 09:06
- Client-Server != DRM -
Dean Hofmeyer (unhh),
2013-03-25, 01:19
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-24, 22:07
- Client-Server != DRM -
2013-03-24, 17:30
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 15:38
- Client-Server != DRM -
2013-03-22, 15:30
- Client-Server != DRM - Cody Miller, 2013-03-22, 15:44
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 12:12
- Client-Server != DRM -
2013-03-22, 12:07
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 10:42
- Client-Server != DRM -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-22, 09:59
- Client-Server != DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-22, 09:51
- Client-Server != DRM -
2013-03-22, 01:59
- Always online does not equal DRM - General Vagueness, 2013-03-22, 17:07
- Always online does not equal DRM -
General Vagueness,
2013-03-22, 22:17
- Always online does not equal DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-24, 22:05
- Always online does not equal DRM - thebruce, 2013-03-25, 07:33
- Always online does not equal DRM -
Claude Errera,
2013-03-25, 08:11
- Always online does not equal DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-25, 09:12
- Always online does not equal DRM -
2013-03-25, 10:06
- Always online does not equal DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-25, 10:29
- Always online does not equal DRM - Mercury, 2013-03-25, 14:12
- Oh, my -
2013-03-25, 19:40
- Excellent question!
- Cody Miller, 2013-03-25, 20:45
- Thank you -
2013-03-25, 21:01
- Agreed - Xenos, 2013-03-25, 21:14
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
2013-03-26, 07:58
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-26, 08:08
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
2013-03-26, 08:28
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
Anton P. Nym (aka Steve),
2013-03-26, 09:22
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
2013-03-26, 10:19
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games - Mr Daax, 2013-03-26, 11:34
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games - kapowaz, 2013-03-26, 11:35
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games - Ragashingo, 2013-03-26, 14:15
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-27, 10:10
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games - Claude Errera, 2013-03-27, 17:58
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
2013-03-28, 02:46
- Winner!
- Anton P. Nym (aka Steve), 2013-03-28, 08:04
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
General Vagueness,
2013-03-28, 17:46
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games - kapowaz, 2013-03-28, 18:11
- Winner!
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
2013-03-26, 10:19
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
Anton P. Nym (aka Steve),
2013-03-26, 09:22
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games - kapowaz, 2013-03-26, 09:07
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
2013-03-26, 08:28
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
Mr Daax,
2013-03-26, 11:56
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games - Xenos, 2013-03-26, 13:07
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games - kapowaz, 2013-03-26, 13:28
- Incentive - RC, 2013-03-27, 13:05
- Motivations behind region restrictions in games -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-26, 08:08
- Thank you -
2013-03-25, 21:01
- Excellent question!
- Always online does not equal DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-25, 10:29
- Always online does not equal DRM - kapowaz, 2013-03-25, 16:04
- Always online does not equal DRM -
2013-03-25, 10:06
- Always online does not equal DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-25, 09:12
- Always online does not equal DRM -
Cody Miller,
2013-03-24, 22:05
- EA: "DRM is a failed dead-end strategy" -
2013-03-28, 01:48
- EA: "DRM is a failed dead-end strategy" -
2013-03-28, 01:50
- EA: "DRM is a failed dead-end strategy" -
2013-03-28, 02:43
- EA: "DRM is a failed dead-end strategy" -
2013-03-28, 02:50
- EA: "DRM is a failed dead-end strategy" -
2013-03-28, 03:46
- EA: "DRM is a failed dead-end strategy" - Xenos, 2013-03-28, 04:17
- EA: "DRM is a failed dead-end strategy" -
2013-03-28, 03:46
- EA: "DRM is a failed dead-end strategy" -
2013-03-28, 02:50
- EA: "DRM is a failed dead-end strategy" -
2013-03-28, 02:43
- EA: "DRM is a failed dead-end strategy" -
2013-03-28, 01:50
- Always online does not equal DRM -
2013-03-20, 20:40