
Client-Server != DRM

by Schooly D, TSD Gaming Condo, TX, Friday, March 22, 2013, 11:00 (4361 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Wow, you really know a lot about how Destiny works! I wish I had your in with the developer; I certainly don't have anywhere this level of certainty about how Destiny's gonna be when it comes out!

I'm curious as to why Cody's assumption of Destiny's mechanics received this response, but kapowaz's assumption of Bungie's intentions did not:

Always online in Destiny is a technical decision made to support design goals Bungie has set out.

I think that's a big guess to present as fact, and I think it's perfectly reasonable to believe the always-online requirement is intended as DRM, especially given the SC5 fiasco/blunder. Fiascoblunder.

Note to self: new TSD Production: Reach machinima series titled "Fiasco and Blunder" starring Schooly D and NartFOpc as buddy cops as they navigate the perils of Reach's mostly-abandoned, dilapidated, and lawless matchmaking environment trying to restore order and keep the peace.

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