
Even better reset method: "Hard reset" (Recruitment)

by JDQuackers ⌂ @, McMurray, PA, Wednesday, February 04, 2015, 10:53 (3419 days ago) @ Kermit

I don't doubt that this is better, but is the initial booting screen you see different than the green screen you see when you restart how I describe?

The green screen is the same, but the difference is that a Hard Reset also clears the system cache, which tends to fix a lot of "stuck" settings or log-in issues.

I use it because my Xbox is normally set to instant on mode, which basically means the system goes to sleep when you cut it off.

Right, simply pressing the power button would suspend the system--and holding the button for 10-15 seconds does the full hard reset, which is a true power-off PLUS the cache clear.

Also Kermit, I've been thinking recently about the issues you've had with your headset(s). Have you ever updated your controller firmware?

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