
My thoughts on your thoughts (Destiny)

by kornman00, Sunday, October 26, 2014, 05:06 (3690 days ago) @ red robber

"Radar. A no radar playlist would be nice." - Just tell the enemy team to always ADS. If they're not Hunters using Knucklehead helmets, or their weapons don't have that one tech, you can have no radar :p. Honestly, Halo can keep this option or Bungie can just come out with some sort of Customs for Destiny. They could also probably work this into a sort of "Predator and Prey" weekend playlist (a la, Combined Arms), but an entirely new playlist would just hurt PvP population spread.

"Maps all seem the same to me." - I'm going to assume with your complaints about the way playlists unlock (you only need to put your toe in one match of the gametype)that you haven't played the small maps used in Rumble or 3v3? Because those maps are all pretty different.

Asylum is a Boarding Action of sorts, where you have parallel sides with differing heights to fight the other from.

The Mercury map (Burning Shrine, IIRC?) is a sort of "scan your lanes" map. One side is enclosed with the other outside and open to the sun (which can play to your advantage, via brightness blinding the enemy). A scout rifle may be good here (I rarely use them in PvP, prefer hand cannons myself). However, if you're not a fan of the cover system then maybe Destiny isn't your cup of PvP-tea? You know you can crouch behind a block (or most other chest high things) then ADS to pop your gun over it like a gopher, right? If your target is doing the same, lob a grenade over the block they're hiding behind. Unlike Halo (which we should all be thankful Destiny is not trying to be) your grenades regenerate!

IDK, personally each map to me is different. However, what isn't different are how battles can play out on these maps. The one Venus map that was also in the beta (I want to say it's called Shores of Time?) tends to have the 'cave' area by Bravo capture be the focal point in Clash-type maps. Really, the Bravo capture point, for all maps, acts as part of the map's main stress point for controlling the battle field. There are then multiple routes to flank this position and turn the tides in your favor.

"Supers are hard to adjust to." - But when you do, they make PvP that much better. They're what make the meat of matches so much tastier. Let CoD-like games continue to be CoD-like and require little to no extra training.

"Heavy ammo drops. Don't get to em, prepare to get screwed." - A good player knows where heavies drop and listens for the incoming announcement. A good player works this drop to their team's advantage. If your team is smart enough to gravitate towards one, rush the other one(s). Even if you get killed after picking it up, that still only means your killer gets that heavy, instead of his cronies getting some too.

If you suck, you're probably doing your team a favor by not picking it up as you'll probably just end up giving someone on the other team some more heavy. If you know for a fact you can't make it to the drop location in time to control it, watch from a safe distance what the enemy pulls out and judge your next move to kill them and take their heavy for yourself.

You should also be mindful about when to pickup your victim's dropped heavy ammo. If you'll get killed rushing it, just leave it for later. If you're playing Control it could easily become your Plan B while trying to capture the point (assuming you killed them by one).

TL;DR: IMHO, not getting to them really isn't the sign of end times.

"No special weapons i like for pvp." - How many Legendary+ Specials (with their tech trees fully unlocked) have you really played with? You can easily tune numerous weapons within a degree of your play style (obviously with RNG there will be some bad stat/tech tree rolls). Part of the game of Destiny is playing and finding new gear that you can plug into your desired play style.

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