Crucible comments/gripes/suggestions (Destiny)

by digital_ronin, Saturday, October 25, 2014, 08:14 (3691 days ago) @ red robber

Quitters in teams games. I hate getting stuck w 3v1 situations.

Perhaps a penalty to Crucible rep for quitting more than one match a day?

Radar. A no radar playlist would be nice. I'll admit it I'm not as sprite as I used to be. The sneak attack is my friend.

I'd love to see a hardcore/swat type playlist.

Supers are hard to adjust to. In most other games i.e. halo, cod, bf you just have the basic skill sets. Its frustrating when you've setup that shotgun kill only the get hammered by a titan. But I love dropping my titan down on a defender titan who thinks he's safe in his lil bubble.

Initially yes, but with more play you start to understand them. Destiny requires a lot more running away than other games. Giving up ground while to someone so they "waste" a super is a good thing.

Why isn't the special melee for a titan a one hit kill?

Just wait until you get shoulder charge. ;)

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