
Are there any Raid virgins left here (PS4)? (Recruitment)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Thursday, October 23, 2014, 16:44 (3535 days ago) @ someotherguy

I'm currently going through the Raid with my little group of 6. We were figuring it out as we went until we got stuck at the same point for a whole evening. The next time one of our more impatient members had a walkthrough/spoiler/guide & while I didn't mind using it to find a chest, I was quite disappointed when he just forged ahead through an area that I would have liked to have spent some time exploring, and then proceeded to tell us how to solve the next puzzle. :-/

Anyway, I wish you luck in finding a group that's clean & pure. It's the most fun that way, but I still am having fun even with the spoilers.

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